Strategies to eliminate error for leaders of construction projects - Part one
Cost TBC + VAT
GIRI Members Cost: £TBC + VAT
6 hours
Course Objectives
A one day workshop for a project leadership team to help them understand the likely causes and consequences of error on their project, to demonstrate approaches to eliminating error and to define concrete steps that can be taken to eliminate error on their project, which will be reviewed in the companion Part two training session.
Intended audience
Members of a project leadership team who have the opportunity to take steps to tackle the root causes of error in their projects. This workshop is intended for participants from multiple organisations working on the same project in order to support the development of project-specific action plans.
The training is designed for groups of 6 to 12 people.
There are no prerequisites for attending the course.
Learning outcomes:
Participants to have an improved understanding of error, in relation to organisational leadership, having the ability to:
- Explain the cost of error to the construction industry, and the benefits of reducing error.
- Recall the top “root causes of error” identified by GIRI research and relate these to their organisation’s projects.
- Describe the role that organisational leaders play in identifying and preventing error.
- Quantify the potential benefits to their organisation of reducing error
Participants to have an improved awareness of leadership behaviours that will reduce error, having the ability to:
- Agree between themselves on behaviours which would reduce error in their organisation
- Describe and critique different leadership styles
- Describe and exhibit behaviours towards clients, collaborators, employees and subcontractors, which will reduce error.
Participants to have an improved awareness of processes that will reduce error, having the ability to:
- Describe and drive implementation of effective error reduction processes
- Describe and use the ‘plan-check-plan-check-do-check-act model’
- Describe and use the '5 Whys' and 'Pre-mortem' techniques
Participants to have an improved understanding of how to ask the right questions to follow up on implementation plans, having the ability to:
- Describe and use appropriate questioning techniques
- Notice phrases or expressions which could indicate need for support and intervention
The course is delivered from a facilitator trained as part of the Get It Right Initiative. (For details on how to become a trainer see the related trainer training course under the leadership stream of the Get It Right Initiative training programmes.)
Through a series of interactive exercises, discussion of video content and guided conversations, participants first explore the consequences and causes of error, and the likely cost of error on their project. They then explore how behaviour, process and dialogue all have a role to play in eliminating error.
In the second half of the training, participants conduct a pre-mortem on an aspect of their project, a technique designed to preempt likely sources of error and eliminate them.
Upcoming dates